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Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)
In your downtime you kludge an altar for Seafood, nuffin speshul: sum plankies for a base and roof at the foot of a tree, a dishy for offerings, two candles yez juzt chop a short one in half; he won't know, and a little act-him figgy of him in the middle, painted red and decorated gnarly like with quwayal bones and shiny bugg shells n fings like that.
You've got tiles n bricks n all from looting the constructions at the Plague Town Cherch, but you think you shouldn't built big, since you're here just for three days, and you carnt pick up and keep Seafood's altar like you do Gui Li's: Seafood's a kindy god wot yez getz zappies from, and shifting his altar counts as a sackky legg. It sounds bad, and you don't want it.
So you build cheap and small, just enough to do you a few days.
After chanting a short henlo chant, you spend a Time (40min) bugging the act-him figgy at the altar for zappies like it's really Seafood. You don't need to use your Outside Voice like you do with Gui Li, so it's more sneeki n low-key than the Ceremony, but you do need to <span class="mu-g">mean</span> it.
>ooh Goody Goody Sweety Sweetfuddz gimme zappies
>I needy needy zappy zappies
>ter sneekisneeki killykilly
>for yez, 'course
>pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
>puhLEEZ, puhLEEZ
>pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
You feel a black shiver go through the place, and your Beed Trinkkittz feel weirded and a bit heavier; that's how you know you're all topped up.
Now, how to do the Dorfs.
They're earth dwellers, cities not just in mountains, but in biggy biggy cellars deep underground. They've got Dark-Peek about as good as yours Dorfy Dark-Peek better at seeing detail; Goblin Dark-Peek better at detecting movement., so you have no advantage prowling by night like you do against Humies.
You're not confident of burrowing at their fort walls either: the moor ground would be hard to dig without noise, and to climb fast you'd be leaving tracks, like crimp holes and tar stains.
And they're awake all hours too, in shifts; twenty-sumn of them means there's always watchers.
You sit and do a biggy fink. You're lots better at finking these days, for cheekibreeki n fings like that. Could be that hanging around Seafood's slowly making you smart.
Then you go snooping, starting from the direction of their shitpits and working towards the fort.
Dorfs don't shidd much beer and meat diet, but like all the other Weak Races they don't like to be around it once it's out.
There's a waterbutt with rainwater near by for washing. YOU get to washing, remembering how the Rheas' noses always crinkled when they were facing you in close quarters. There's soap-cakes in little beer pails; you pick the biggyst, nicest one, and do yourself over thorough. This is the first wash in your life and you want it to last you.
After washing your pitts n bugghole you put it back in the soap pail with the others.