>>5516625>>5516625Skellys get sent on tasks for their masters all the time, no one would stop me or anything. I actually have free access to most things and places since the only thing that could stop me from entering are wards and since my former masters were big shoots I have free pass to enter most places, only a few wards can block me.
Bit to be honest I kind of wish I could regain my body, being undead has it perks, not needing to eat, sleep, peeing, pooping and not ageing... But I used to be a warrior you see? A step warrior, what you guys call barbarians (rude).
I used to have muscle, I was shredded ( I lost so many gains) maybe I could keep being udead but use magic to regain my flesh? Or is that a bad ideia? I also miss my horse, maybe we could learn like... Horse summoning magic? Maybe? Pretty plz?
>>5516628We could stay and run this place but honestly after being slaved by my former master and forced to work here for gods know how long I want to leave, besides there is the risk of someone showing up to check on them.
>>5516633If I learned illsuion magic it would be powerful to fool anyone, and no one would be able to see past it UNLESS there is a reason for them to suspect it's a illusion or something is wrong, or if they used magic to counter the effects, I think most mages have ilusion bypassing magic but they don't have those effect 24/7 only employ them when they feel they need.
If I don't give reason for the potencial visitor to suspect I'm not one of my dead former masters they would not be able to see it.
I'm no actor tho, so it's risky, but possible.
>>5516635That would be possible, but we would have to leave anyway, besides I don't know if I like the ideia of using the very thing that made me a slave in the first place, but I could.
>>5516640Yeah, there are like Liches and necromancer kings out there. I'm a former musclehead that just learned basic magical theory...That may be outdated... Let's keep our goals realistic here.