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Rolled 28, 16 = 44 (2d100)
While you wish to eliminate the enemies among you with a degree of plausible deniability, you ARE a Knight Ascendant. You have a hunger for glory in you, and the pursuit of the danger you <Sense> in the deep calls out to you. How better to deniably dispatch the Appointed Successor than while bolstering your own legend with another slain monster-of-legend?
And anyway, the last two times you went on such hunts, you got a magic sword. Losing the shoggoth-sword and then sacrificing the so-called ‘Holy Avenger’ of Alexos has left you wanting for another artefact-weapon to accompany the legendary Moon-Blade of Endymion on your hip—something for Azonia the Drow Duelist back home to teach you to dual-wield, one day! As illogical as it is to assume such, a part of you holds out hope that another monster-of-legend would again be accompanied by a WEAPON-of-legend.
Can the Dark Gods Below and Beyond truly be so generous?
“I do not recognize this course,” the Novice whispers to you. “What are you up to?”
“I am following my <Guidance>,” you state simply, neither revealing your plans nor giving her any reason to worry—you wouldn’t want to tip off the Successor that something is amiss.
The Novice still seems suspicious, however, and you find yourself squeezing Ekaterine’s hand a little tighter as you guide her through the underground passageways, deviating substantially from your usual route, and delving deeper.
You hand her off to Ivno to guide, and nod to Olu. He nods back, hand gripping his assassin’s knife as he picks up on your wordless signal to be ready. He, unlike the females, can keep such things close to the chest, as is the Infiltrator’s Art.
You are side by side with the Appointed Successor, at the centre of the group, when your <Danger Sense> springs to life. You resist its immediate activation, even as it tries to spring your muscles to move. You instead try to keep your calm, even vibrating with magically-spiking adrenaline, and will yourself not to alert your Persecutor-acolyte beside you about what is to come.