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It is an age of signs and portents, and the black empty spaces of the universe reverberate with the twisted laughter of hungering gods...
During character creation, you may choose a diety to bless your run, who will bestow divine favor and blessings upon his worshippers. You may also encounter altars at which you may perform a covenant ritual to begin worship of the associated god. Some gods respect certain other gods, and will not punish followers for converting to them.
Piety is a measure of your standing with a particular god, and can be gained by performing sanctioned actions and otherwise raising glory for the god. On the other hand, violating the commandments and performing hated actions will cause piety loss and even divine punishment.
You may choose to renounce the god and give up the fabulous benefits of worship at any time, but this will incur penance and divine retribution. In other words, what the @&*! are you doing?
Information about your current diety can be accessed with the (p)ray verb. Information on a specific character's piety can be accessed with (c)haracter.
[Pressing c yields nothing. The screen "shudders" for a moment as if it's loading a new popup menu, but nothing happens.
You're getting the sinking feeling that character is the same missing screen each time. Maybe there's even more missing features than you thought.
P does yield new information about INDRA, however.]
INDRA-PHI appreciates, among other things:
- Meditation in a dark place for several hours
- Exploration, especially in darkened areas (candles are acceptable)
- Blinding yourself with a blindfold
- Blinding yourself permanently
- Glorifying the Dark Star by killing priests of other gods
- Killing firey monsters
- Extinguishing a sun
INDRA-PHI does not respect the other gods and will cast down disloyal followers for their betrayal!