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By the time you set up the cauldron and set up the ingredients for a Girding Potion as well as several more random ones that Macy shouts out for, including powdered Bicorn Horn and white gold powder, your tiny now hyperactive little sis is on her third page; says she nearly has it.
And from what you saw on her discarded pagers? There was some advanced Arithmancy you didn’t really get, given you had taken all of one class in it.
Numerological calculus.
What you recognized as some baker’s percentages due to helping mom cook sometimes. And…
A game of tic-tac-toe which the O’s seems to have won. A quick but very good doodle of what you believe is you and Macy holding hands… Several dots of ink seemingly flicked at random on a grid of what appear to be Ancient Runes. And on the final page, the one she still furiously scrawled on?
Something that actually seemed to make sense.
Measurements, steps, ingredients, and stirring instructions.
Thank Merlin, you didn’t just make your best friend into a schizophrenic mess by letting her have some Colombian Marching Powder.
Finally? Macy drew a line across the page, wrote out a final set of weights, ingredients and instructions. And then stood up, snapped her pencil in half with one hand and shouted out triumphantly.
“Got it! Hell yeah, fuck yeah! I’m going to make this Potion my bitch! And you are going to help, Jennifer Sanders!”
“Yeah… yeah what ever you say, sis.”, you say and a bit demurely, a tad frightened to be honest.
“Damn right, what ever I say! I am a Potions <span class="mu-i">God</span>, Jenn!
>Macy has gain a +2 to her Potions skill! Total of +14 now!
>Macy has unlocked the Mix Master Macy (Novice) trait. She can attempt to slightly alter or improve the effects of simple potions. Higher levels of this trait allow her to do so on more advanced potions. At the highest level she could even alter extremely difficult and potent brews like Polyjuice or Felix Felicis.
>Macy gains an increased bonus to all checks when consuming stimulants, muggle or magical, though it brings out a different side of her. May cause delusional over-confidence. Will have a rough come down after however. Hey if Sherlock Holmes shot up cocaine to think better who are you to question it?
>Jenn has gain a +1 from helping the madwoman! Total of +2!
Macy and you head over to the station and begin prepping the ingredients; Macy gave you the easy work like grinding up dragonfly thoraxes or weighing things out according to her new recipe while she handled the harder parts, and then she began careful adding items to the pot after checking to make sure you didn’t mess up any.
At the end, the final part. The potent white powder; after carefully measuring it out, you saw as your friend took another small dose for herself with her minuscule spoon.
“Macy! I-I think you have “tested” it enough.”