>>5789996>>5789997>>5789998It’s chaos on the bridge, but an ordered chaos, calm and focused. The bridge crew is yelling out their reports while Captain Tyro rapidly gives out orders, trying to weave his ship through the storm of fire around it, trying to keep his crew and his ship alive. But the hits keep on coming and the ship shudders with each impact. Through the bridge windows you can see the battle raging, ships futilely trying to turn away before their power fails, the broken wreckage of corvettes and cruisers starting to drift by. You feel so powerless right now, unable to do anything to change the course of the battle, but you know that all you can do is trust in Tyro and his ship.
He and the crew have remained calm, and the ship is still moving, trying to escape the fleet surrounding the ship. But you realise now that you’ve been clearly noticed, turbolaser blasts are pounding the deflectors, and you wait with a sinking feeling as the reports come in of the shields getting drained, their power levels getting lower and lower. There’s beginning to be a hint of panic in some of their voices, and then, the words that all men on a starship dread: “We’ve lost shields!”
Immediately the entire ship rocks as it starts receiving the full brunt of the attack, and you hear Tyro’s voice begin to shout. “Damage report!”
They begin to respond, in quick succession as the ship shakes even more violently with every blow to its hull. You tightly hold the holotable to brace yourself as the alarms start to ring and the lights start to flicker and dim.
“We’ve lost starboard point defence!”
“Structural integrity at 92%!”
“Hull breach, hull breach!”
“Main hangar has lost all power!”
“I have fires in the reactant channels!”
“Losing atmosphere on decks 12 through 19!”
“Port auxiliary thruster destroyed!”
You don’t know much about ships but you know things are bad. Is this how a ship dies? You’re beginning to wonder if this is really it, when you suddenly hear a loud BANG and realise you’re no longer gripping the holotable. You only have enough time to look up at the far wall flying towards you before everything goes black.