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<span class="mu-s">DAY 5</span>
Drinking what little of your juice is left- you now know the severity of your situation. You are now officially out of food. Driven by this, and for your desire to continue your progress, you decide to go to the <span class="mu-s">Lush Expanse</span>.
Touching down, you explore and scour the immediate area of the expanse. True to its name, it is lush. Very rich in both plant and animal life- this place is a far cry from the bleak sterile canyon of <span class="mu-i">Fire Alley</span>.
Even just establishing your first beachhead and camp you can't help but stumble on the spoils of this place. With only a little effort and dispatching of a few small beetle-like creatures that can unfortunately still bite a Pikmin in half- you call them <span class="mu-i">Sheargrubs</span>- you find a fruit!
This <span class="mu-i">Sunseed Berry</span> is brought back to your ship with ease and quickly squeezed of its juice. You gain <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">three days rations</span></span> with little effort- if this is a sign to go by, the rest of this zone should be equally verdant. But you should watch out for hungry predators who have gotten large on the riches here...
It is still early in the day. Nearby your landing site, you find an unusual thing; another wall, but this one made of some strange, flat, transparent crystal... no wait, that's glass. Strange. It doesn't really seem naturally occurring. Similar to the biomechnical creatures and a few of the other large objects you've found on this planet- these are like anomalies... or artifacts from an intelligent species?
The <span class="mu-i">glass wall</span> frustrates all attempts to break it with your normal pikmin; even green pikmin tendrils can't get a grip on its polished smooth surface. But just beyond the wall you can see another verdant garden; and a massive fruit waiting for you. But there's no way for you to break this wall; and despite how close the garden is, you know it will take you an entire full day to get over to this side garden and back again with the spoils- gaining limited information and progress towards the next ship part.
You're free to ignore this side garden for now and come back later; or you could put the priority of a sure meal over exploring the rest of this area for potential ones. Plus, you know your part is out here somewhere, likely guarded by another giant monster knowing your luck...
>Route towards the side Garden (takes all day)
>Search the Expanse (maps out food sources + finds the ship part)
>Follow the Pikmin (new Onion)