Quoted By:
Huphey-huphey-- yes that IS a map of the library
you have <span class="mu-i">remarkably</span> keen eyes, Professor Makoti. Just . . . Frankly astoundingly keen senses.
It's because we were wondering where maybe we'd need to dock to get closest to the observatory and we were worried some other scholars had gotten here ahead of us. Now, when you say <span class="mu-i">pre-approved</span> for a grant is that something I can get in writing?
Yes I always carry pre-signed paperwork on my person. You don't? Saves a lot of time all around I find.
Interested in further idea-sharing and co-planning? With . . . Are you <span class="mu-i">void-damnedseriousrightnowyouinsanemani--</span> iiiiconoclast. Yes.
I <span class="mu-i">do</span> agree with you that Decimus here is a pre-eminent scholar in his field. What field of study? Well you know, he's pre-eminent, eminent almost, I'd even call him posteminent at this stage, just, eminent all around and so he's not really constrained to the one thing or the other.
And. . . Supply of <span class="mu-s">bloodmoss</span> and <span class="mu-s">chemicae reactants</span>? Right, because you . . . also think. . . the appendix as a design could use some improvement?
Oh in the name of the STARS IN THE SKY, you're BOTH far, far too into changing the baseline physiology of the human species! You mad motherfu--fixers. Fixers. Of mothers. Because.. whole... biology thing. You know what I mean. So anyway, when you say grant you --
Yes that is indeed as a I said a juveline lightspinner malichnid, don't let it get your hands it bites. It... It doesn't bite. Because you're just petting the nightmare creature. Of course you are, Professor Makoti.
Very under developed venom sacs? Oh how can you tell? A h haaaa. No, I don't think we've been very strict on the diet, Cuddles here has mostly been eating the usual. You know. Rats. Seagulls. Fish. The occasional shark. Oh they normally predate on blastrats and meltfoxes? Which they can, you're quite sure of this, eat? Kalcmiri Meltfoxes? The ones that <span class="mu-i">melt</span>?
Ooooh that's how they build up their personal corrosion mixture. So you're saying I should be feeding this one more . . . volatiles. Aha. Yes. Well you're the Professor, professor.
So about this <span class="mu-i">grant</span>--- oh you don't like talking paperwork. Of course not. Tell you what, why don't we . . .
Doc, take Professor Makoti up on an exciting tour of all the horrifying ways the Sea Sultants are nesting in the mess-hall (This excites you?). I'll fill out some paperwork for you to just, maybe, add your name too, if you want, Professor Makoti?
Right, yes, we'll absolutely swing by your office later.
>Scored a Personal Invitation: Makoti's Office
>Scored: Mostly Complete House of Hounds Grant Paperwork