>>5712565>>5712588Had to check on that one, thanks, you made me laugh.
>>5712656>>5712671>>5712878>>5712899>>5713759It is an opinion, and your choice won !
You decided to write to the Lord of Darkplace without omitting any part of the story, be it the murder, the fact that you had proofs of it and even a prisoner or the miracle of the return of the soul of your would be murderer.
Once everything was finished you dismissed Oldfossil and decided to go to sleep. You still had to decide whom to send with the message.
>Bohémond would do the deed. >A messenger is good but he can be attacked, let's give him two or three guardsmen.
>Brother Louis, your brave Templar, could do the deed>Ancel is clever and crafty even if too smelly to be presented to a nobleman but he could carry a letter.>Send a guardsman on a palfrey, you cannot send one of your knights or Ancel.>Other (write in).For this day you had another task, you wanted to travel to Otherone and see if it was being rebuilt. So you ordered to saddle the horses and go there. After some hours of riding you found the village in a bit better state than it was before your travels.
After some hours of riding in the beautiful plains of your lordship dominated by a grey sky you saw the village, some of the burned husks remained but one or two new houses, looking like temporary shacks, were ready while foundations or first floors of other homes seemed to have been rebuilt. The happy peasants saluted you and in the middle of a quite intact group of houses you saw workers preparing some daub for the walls of a future half timbered house. The destructions of the baron seemed to not be so serious after all.
You ordered the village elder, Ishaan Devi, to be brought before you and demanded him how was all the work going. The slightly saracen looking old man answered.
-All is good my lord, we will rebuild some of the houses, and we are halfay through the barn. Thanks once more for having helped us so much with your taxes reductions. We will pray for you... But..
-But what ?
You answered. And the man seemed fearful before saying.
-I... I do not want to disturb you but I think that there is something sinister afoot.
-Ah ?
-You see, my lord, we are humble people, living in the Cairns plain but as you know, this plain is full of old tombs, long ago pillaged and where the remains of the dead have been destroyed after being used by necromancers and other...
-Yes, yes, I know the story of the brother of Lehman, I even visited the tomb, tell me what is it ?
-Of course my lord, sorry for disturbing you with this, but we saw eerie lights on one of the Cairns, that appear during the night and when some youth from the village decided to visit they fled in panic, telling that they saw a ghost.
-A ghost ? It is peasant superstitions, you cannot really believe that these places are haunted... I ignored that Indians were as superstitious as celts.