>>5633138>I trust nothing.>Trusts Se-young that Jaq is mass murderer based on words.>Trusts Se-young she tells the truth about Jaq mental state.>Trusts it's Jaq who's responsible for all this based on no hard evidence.>I trust nothing.No but seriously, there are so many holes there:
>Se-young attacked Jaq knowing how dangerous she is? Really? I don't believe she's telling all the facts, and she has all the reasons to have us stay with her. She also had a looot of time to think things over.
Maybe there could is some merit in what Jaq told us before? That she was coerced into it? It would explain why Se-young didn't feel inclined to warn us, AND why she felt courageous enough to antagonize Jaq. It doesn't make ANY sense for her to do what she did given what she tells us, hot headed or not.
> The council disappearance. Again, I'm NOT trying to attack Se-young, but to point out we don't know anything at all. We are blind and guided by people who all want Their Way.
It's absolutely ridiculous to jump into any radical action in our state. You want to go for endgame based on a hear say? You would kill a person, because someone told you to? And it's Jaq is the problem?
What we need is to gather information. We are a pawn in the game played by egoists, and throwing ourselves in any direction is just an admission of defeat
Again. You said it yourself.
>I trust nothing.And yet...
>>5632585Exists. Hmm, Aby, why you believe everything~
Do you, possibly, need Aki to be your flame guiding you in the dark? Don't worry, we share a common interest in survival; in the end, Aki can't be a good wife if Aki ded, right?
>We'll bury the MPD once out of this school.The thing you will bury is everything around us and then ourselves if you are so hell bent on being hasty. Glory or rage in death is an illusion sold by those who want something from you.
Girly men, near death, who see with blinding sight~
Scared eyes could blaze like meteors and be gae~
Rage, rage against the dyig of the light~
...Do not go gentle into that good night~