>>5725146CHUNK advanced upon the alien defenders, weathering barrages of plasma fire stoically. The Warcriminator was a deadly anti personnel weapon but he was programmed to know that it only worked well in relatively close proximity. He could hear them screeching in their alien tongue but he had not been designed to understand them, any kind of attempt at diplomacy or begging for mercy would fall on deaf ears. His flesh squirmed and writhed where it was kissed by the plasma but as before it was not nearly strong enough to damage him. When he was finally in range, he lifted his massive weapon and rain death and fire upon them. Those that were killed immediately were the lucky ones. Many others were thrown a great distance down the hover path, some even plummeting to their deaths as their vehicles exploded.
>>5725153An alarm suddenly woke Guy from his slumber and the normally pitch black room was dimly illuminated by red emergency lights. He couldn't quite remember where he was or how long he had been here. His head was pounding and he felt unnaturally groggy. His wrists and ankles were locked in place , his entire body felt numb and heavy. A loud explosion rumbled in the distance, shaking everything in the room. He could hear paniced shouts and rushing foot steps outside followed by another rumble, this one much closer. After a few minutes his body recovered and he was able to focus his energy, prying his limbs free with frightening ease.