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And then, they're out. Badly wounded, down a man, but alive. The cool night air washes over them; a sensation of freedom and life fills them after the dark dread that threatened to consume them just moments ago. Now, their path back to safety is lit by the cold moons- the gold and silver moons.
Jon is not happy however. He whirls to the mountain itself, standing in the darkness and looming over them.
<span class="mu-b">"There! THERE! Are you happy, you damned cursed place?! I brought a victim into your waiting jaws. Hole to hell! Cthonic monster! Are you satisfied!? Look at what I do- what I am forced to do- all for greed! For cold, ancient, reptilian greed! Another soul trapped; and for <span class="mu-i">what</span>? What purpose do you serve?! If I but had the strength I would rip you apart, stone by stone, with my bare hands, you accursed thing. Is this what you wanted?! Why must you put more weights on my guilt!? Through what fault of my own am I cursed with this burden- why am I being punished?! Why!? Why must you guard your secret treasure instead of spitting it out freely to the people of the world who need it, vile edifice!
...Well? Where is your voice now, "Moaning Mountain"? Speak! Answer me, you damned thing!"</span>
There was no response. The mountain was silent. Even the chilling moans that sounded from the mountain each night did not happen. This was one of those nights it seemed- the silent nights. Could the mountain be satisfied for now- happy with its sacrifice?
<span class="mu-g">"J-Jon. Look. <span class="mu-i">Please</span> look Jon. Tell me I'm not imagining this. Jon..."</span>