>>5352391You head towards the heart of the village, where you find the core of the Blackwings milling about. With the sun setting, most of them have finished their training for the day and are either packing their gear or beginning to drink. Some of the mercenaries seem to have been at the bottle for a while now, and signs of rowdiness are beginning to show. Such frivolities initially bothered you when you first started the company, but nowadays they’re as commonplace and unremarkable as can be. You weren’t a Commander in the Imperial Army or a Knight of Seiros, where a certain degree of conduct was expected. You were the leader of one of Fodlan’s premiere mercenary companies. In a few short years, you and your men had seen more action than most soldiers did in a lifetime and always came out on top. You understood the need for the sellswords to blow off some steam. Others did not necessarily share your viewpoint though.
“Keep it down! Commander Blair is present! Disrespect her presence any further and I vow to beat you raw!” Sebastian bellowed. Almost immediately, the noise died down to a dull murmur.
Captain Sebastian was an interesting sort for a mercenary. Originally, he was a Knight of Faerghus. The perfect model of chivalry, Sebastian had served as a captain of the guard at Arianrhod, the Fortress City. Alternatively known as the “Silver Maiden”, Arianrhod was the capital of Rowe and the pride of Faerghus, serving as a near impenetrable fortress near the border of the Adrestian Empire. That’s why it was such a loss when Rowe defected from the Kingdom, joining the Dukedom instead. Unlike many others at the time, Sebastian had taken his vows to Faerghus seriously. Once he received word of Count Rowe’s defection, he had followed suit himself, deserting Arianrhod. He was pursued by his former comrades. Adrestian soldiers. Even other mercenaries sent by the Dukedom. Sebastian either evaded or killed them all as he made his way towards Fraldarius, to fight for the Kingdom. He’d been with Dimitri back at Bulgar and was injured heavily when he single-handedly held a chokepoint against an entire division of Kleiman soldiers. Fortunately for him, the Blackwings showed up to lead the retreat. After Dimitri went into hiding, Sebastian swore a vow to pay you back for saving his life and had been with the company ever since.
>“At ease, soldiers. Please, continue as you were. Have a drink for me, will you.”As if they had just received permission from their mother, the mercenaries went back to doing exactly what they were doing before. Drinking, brawling and being as loud as humanly possible.
“Commander Blair, far be it from me to tell you how to run your company, but I worry that such debauchery will spoil them.” Sebastian says.