>>5244723A pleasure to meet your tastiness. I am the CEO of The Demiau Corporation and im glad to come personally shake your tasteful... hands?
First we'd love if you consider striking a profitable trade agreement betwen our organizations, we believe in the free flow of products, and im sure our new spices will surely be welcome in your gravies.
Furthermore... If youd step over here, i'd like to comment on this.
Our corporation runs by the following formula, you got a problem, we got a prize, whatever it is you desire done, please don't hesitate to contact your local Franchise and get started in the deal, for a list of possible exchange but not limited to: Mercenaries during war, Debt collectors, Bankers, Real estate, Fortifications, ETC. We also include in all our deals an "extra" charge of security, in which you can lay claim of all your inversion with us for a FULL return should we fail to complete our contract.With all this out of the way, what was it you were telling me about the special gravy?