>SELECTED: A lowly hedge knight such as Sir Neil dan Marc could expect much worse than a steady occupation in service to a respectable house. Sir Andrei has done him a great favour here, attracting the interest of just such a Lord was the main reason he had begun attending tourneys at all. Becoming a sworn man of Lord Nikolai Andrei and the Andrei household would be a high honour. It would also mean remaining close to Lady Hewitt. [Humble]<span class="mu-s">Tunegan, 13th Day of Kostrimun, 883 A.C.E. – Late Evening - Nova Cathagi, The Coy Siren</span>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya3MCYeGXCQ&ab_channel=VariousArtists-Topic – Last Night on the Coy SirenThe last night abo the Coy Siren is a lively one, the entire crew and complement of pilgrims is gathered in a cheery farewell feast above deck. At sea, absent a starry night and open fire, the deck should be in virtual darkness. But such is the torchlight emanating from the City and beacon fires on the bay that the whole harbour is ably illuminated.
The festive air with the crew and passengers is heavy with relief at their safe arrival and shared laughter over hardships faced and journey’s weathered. Both parties look towards tomorrow with anticipation, although the material eagerness of the sailor’s shore leave pales in comparison to the rippling fervour of the pilgrim’s at tomorrow’s disembarkment and trek to the final site of their long pilgrimage. Still, the two groups mix freely, trading mementos along with stories and are in general quite companionable of good cheer. Very good cheer as it happens, once the last reserves of the grog and even a cache of spiced wine is doled out for all present. You would have assumed that Captain Alfonso Verdicci would have taken issue with the deteriorating lapse in discipline, but in fact he encourages it.