>>5587163>>5587169>>5587176>>5587237>>5587415>Challenge her to formal combat now. Get to casting your black magic.“That’s enough of this.” You drag your eyes from your top tier legs and slam the butt of your staff into the flowers. The field of white begins to wither about your feet. “THE ORDER OF OCULI LIBIDINIS is hereby declaring war on the OCCULTIC ORDER. We’ll begin by taking the head of their first BISHOP as our own.”
“My–such ambition.” Fleur’s armor shudders with an eerie metal creak, as so do the swords and armor all around you–like the whole of the field of steel has begun to laugh at you. The knuckles of her gauntlet click as she wraps her fingers around the hilt of a blade stuck from the garden. “But.. fine. If it would sate your curiosity. Leave us, BREAKING WHEEL. You can clean up what’s left when we’re done.”
The giant, on the cue of his mistress, stands from his stooped kneel and begins to walk back down the ruined road out–you’re left alone in the garden with the knight, the hound, and your constituents (who have put an appreciable distance between themselves and you). The air hangs still, and only the distant squalls of sea birds pepper the battlefield.
“Do what you must, witch.” Morne’s hands tighten on his stolen spear. “I don’t care what it entails.”
“Right.” You shut your eyes and focus–you can imagine a few from your repertoire that might come in handy, maybe..
>UNHOLY MATRIMONY: Cast a spell that allows you to “see” through the eyes of minion and affords you some minute control over his movements. A spell that embodies your power as a master, you might be able to grant him a grace that his blindness does not allow for. Unfortunately, you’ve the grace in combat of a pig, and he may fight worse if you become one with him.>CALL OF THE WILD: Cast a spell that draws out the more primal, bestial aspect of his form. A spell that strengthens his might at the cost of his mind–could prove useful against her, but who knows what he could do in his berserk state, especially when you’re so close?>DANSE MACABRE: Cast a spell that summons up to three or so skeletons from the netherrealm for you to control. A spell that affords you some (weak) minions to help your champion in the fight, you can only hope you won’t end up getting in the way. >Write-In.