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"Everyone, get to safety!" You shout to the villagers standing around.
A villager quickly retorts, "And where would that be?" It's a fair question, and you can't provide a perfect answer. So you shrug.
In the distance, you see Beta struggling to maintain the cybers' attention, all while holding back. Many of them have started to ignore him, trying to sprint by, only for him to grab them or send a body flying towards them, knocking them over at the last second.
"I'm going to back Beta up!" you announce, firming your resolve. Shooting one arm out at an angle, mirroring Beta's earlier pose. A familiar sequence follows as your belt shimmers into existence. Your arms rotate, holding one at an angle, you bend the other to your side. The gyro in your belt begins to spin at high-speeds, followed by a high-pitched whine. Wind begins to gather around you as the armor swiftly appears around you. Turning towards the soldiers, Henry and Tyri, you give them a piece of your mind.
"Listen, I need you two to focus on something else," you tell them firmly. "They're operating on some kind of signal. That's how they found us, and I'm willing to wager that's how they stay active. Please, find a way to disrupt it!"
You don't wait for their responses; instead, you sprint forward and leap into the air to cover more ground. "Toh!" Jumping into the fray, you join Beta in trying to control the frenzied crowd. Swinging your arm around, you catch an outstretched arm, and swing him around into another part of the crowd. Spinning back around, you try set up a chain of collisions by kicking one of the leading cybers, only for it to duck under you.
"I've got it!" Beta's voice rings out as he hurls a Saurian-type body into the crowd, knocking several cybers off balance. The crowd seems to be picking up on your moves, either from your previous encounter, or Beta's initial engagement. Hitting them has become harder than before.
"You said the Saurians set this up?" Henry shouts over the confusion. When you turn to face him, you see he's much closer than you remembered. The fight had clearly moved, and you can see that the cybers are already sprinting into the camp.
"To arms!" You can hear various villagers shout as the Cybers begin to overwhelm the two of you, slipping past your attacks. At the very least, you know they have something of a fighting chance. Several of them rush forward with farming tools, actual weapons, or even their fists, and they seem to have some success. At least for now. Though the armored cybers prove to be more than a match for the average villager, knocking them down or injuring them. Forcing either yourself, Beta, or another to come to their aid.
"Yeah!" You reply to Henry's question.
"We might be in luck. I still have some of the data from their ship!"