>>5248660Expand towards Legionary land
Attack Legionaries and "Normal" Humans
If the West Federation don't give up that land, attack the West Federation
Build markets around the capital away from the coast
Transfer circled territories to the Anglers. We have concluded that they are, in fact, triangular
Conqstr, is it impossible to move miltary bases? If it is, move forts towards the frontline. If not, move the base northwest together with the fort in its territory.
>>5247668See? Mercy should be reserved for the worthy. Yer compassion is wasted on them. Attack them! Break their armies! Take their stuff!
If you don't use a National Strategy this turn, the opportunity will have been lost and your National Strength will have been wasted. Check the rule section on them to see what's available.>>5247495How dare ye block our path and shield our enemies like that? Step aside. Give us the territories between us and the Legionaries or suffer the consequence!