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Agent Leone, that's a classic Extropian. He's gone a little too far on his augmentics and has probably developed disassociation issues and serious body dysmorphia because of it ( though they're not all like that, so I shouldn't stereotype). Thanks for the data, I'm sharing it with the team now - he looks like he's disabled the safety switches on his augments; he won't notice the damage its doing to him if you bait him into rapid movement. And his twitch impulse control will be poor, he almost *has* to react to incoming rapid reaction stimuli.
Be careful though! That same setup means he's going to hit like a freightrain; he's swinging that stop-sign around like it's nothing!
( Agent Hazard, I did tell you that was good broth, didn't I? )
Agent Cheddar, good impulse. The knife-filt drone was in your pocket all along, I've activated it for you. Get him talking and believing his own story and he's going to be easy to handle. Whatever you do just don't stand out and draw his atten--
Agent Leone!
>[Reaction Phase 1/xx]