Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 13 + 1 = 16 (2d20 + 1)
>let’s at least handle the Ajax conversation tonight, we can do the second half of the naval battle tomorrow.
Ajax Telamonios, your senior in age, acclaim, heritage, wealth, veterancy – a man of legendary constitution, and one of the very few who stands taller than yourself. He could not be more dissimilar in appearance to silver-footed Thetis, but nonetheless, there is a doubling in your mind – the recollection of your conversation with an angry goddess upon a mountainside in Skyros comes unprompted.
You adopt the same strategy that transmuted a goddess’ wrath into a debt, still unpaid – revealing the truth. You speak your heart to him:
"Prince Ajax, you may have heard about my father, Hippomedon, and his death*, resulting from the unjust revenge of dark-pebbled Ismenos. The suffering brought upon the house of Hippomedon, carried to us by the currents, is one that burdens me heavily, as well as upon my sister and mother. I could not let the slaves suffer the terrible fate of drowning, doomed by the greed and foolishness of these pirates.”
You breathe deeply, and send what winged words you can:
“And yet, I am not in command, this is not my ship, and I have acted rashly. I beg your forgiveness, Prince Ajax. The fate of the slaves is yours to decide, not mine – I have already achieved what I hoped, and offer them freely to you.”
>Okay, anons – beat my roll for Ajax's WILL.
>I need TWO rolls of dice+1d20+3 to see if Nikon can salvage his standing with Ajax. His current CHA bonus is 0 (with the concussion, effective CHA of 9), but I’m providing a +2 bonus for the write-in re: concession, and a further +1 bonus for apology/surrendering the slaves.
>Degrees of success do matter here, since I am tracking reputation gains and losses behind the scenes.
Just so you guys know, Hippomedon didn't drown in the river Ismenos - the river water stripped him of his arms and armor and then placed him directly in front of a Theban battalion that turned him into a pin-cushion. Funny that Nikandros is wearing his father's bronze today, given that the Seven Against Thebes lost, no?