>>6006438“Fuckin’ hell, six males in a pack?” Zith-Zi mutters. “Don’t see THAT every day, thank the shittin’ gods. Must have been attracted by the ruckus in the gblin market, an’ all the dead and abandoned goods.”
Carazzi and Zith-Zi both turn to you, expectantly.
“What’s the plan” they ask as one, and then exchange a quick look of embarrassment.
>You, Muffins, and the fire elementals will attempt to scare them off or slay them while the others retreat [lower DC, greater risk to you]
>You’ll all retreat with the others, while the elementals harry them in your place—both fire and air [higher DC, lower risk to you]
>You’ll all stand and fight them here—no running [greatest risk to everyone, but lowest DC]
>You’ll forsake the horses, and the carriage full of meat and loot as a sacrifice, to ensure your escape [lowest risk to everyone, auto-success, but you have to choose two items to take from the below list]
>>Skekz-Gab>>Izzy’s trunk>>The chest>Write-in[Specify any spells, items, or tactics you employ]