>>5678078You have little love for any Reptilian, to be honest, or for the drunken, restless, flighty dark elves. The bugbear mercenaries who make up the kingdom’s most elite assassination squads are just as intolerable—smelly, savage, simple-minded goblinoids putting on airs. The kobolds have industry, but it is a slavish industry that would embarrass the LITERAL slaves captured from your own race: they know no innovation, no freedom, no imagination. They work hard, but it is a sloppy and imprecise work, and they are slow to learn new techniques. No, in truth it is the DWARVES who have saved the Dragon King’s empire, and whoa re winning the war for Bloodrise.
The Dragon King wisely took your advice to heart, granting freedom to any dwarf who would renounce their loyalty to the god who abandoned them and the so-called kin who forgot them. Frustrated miners, relegated with their entire families to mere subsidence in a neglected mining colony, were quick to convert if it meant an end to the predation and starvation, especially if the only blood-price to be paid was that of rival corporations’ employee-citizens anyway. Those who earned stability, comfort, status, and living-space found brides among the dwarf-maidens made husbandless and fatherless by the Dragon King’s cullings.
With each base taken, you found more like these men—like you. The forsaken, the outcast, the maidenless and motherless. Those willing to imagine a better future, forged in blood and iron and darkness. Dwarves now make up the bulk of Bloodrise’s military might. Between slaves and slave-takers, dwarves are the largest single demographic in the burgeoning kingdom—outnumbering at last even the kobolds, who breed like rabbits.
But to build this force, you have slain dozens, hundreds maybe. Men, like you father. Women, like your mother. Children, like your brother.
What do you feel?
>Pride>Shamehttps://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=reptoidqm is where previous threads are, and the prior quest (which isn't required reading or necessary to understand this one