>>6190751“Hehe! Just watch, I'm gonna tear their fusion apart!” she tells you. And despite how wild that seems, you can't help but believe in her. She's probably strong enough to pull that fusion apart and back into the two of them with her bare hands, if she wanted to.
“YOU-! FILTHY, <span class="mu-i">DISGUSTING</span> NINGEN!” the fusion shouts, exploding up out of the cloud of dust from the collapsed buildings, a furious snarl on their green face. “I WILL MAKE YOU BEG FOR DEATH, SINNER!”
“Oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and MAKE me?” she shouts back, the green-skinned fusion throwing a hand forward towards you both. Firing two bolts of purple lightning, one from each side of the gleaming white halo towards you both. Only for Chaya to raise a hand, firing a whole storm of deep blue and indigo lightning of her own towards the incoming bolts. Her energy clashes against the fusion's own, and to your shock starts to push it back. “Is this all you've got?! You're not even worth my time! HAAAAA!!”
And with her shout raises her other hand, doubling the storm of lightning she's firing. Pressing back the so-called god's power, sending all the energy slamming into the fusion. Who screams in pain, writhing as Chaya's electricity cooks the merged being. You wonder what sort of training she has to be able to use a technique so similar to your master's own, as her electricity strangely enough reminds you of your late master's Thunder Shock Surprise. But that doesn't stop the mad fusion, who with a roar fires off an omnidirectional wave of energy, blasting Chaya's electricity back. And seeing this, she ends the attack, lowering her arms.
“Grrrrr! You-! INSOLENT! Filthy! NINGEN!!” the green-skinned fusion shouts, throwing both arms wide as suddenly hundreds of red dots of energy wink into existence up and behind Zamasu. “BLADES OF JUDGEMENT!!”
“Uh oh, that looks bad!” you exclaim, raising your hands as the dots form into hundreds of sword-like blades of energy, streaking through the air towards Chaya, and by extension you. But Chaya doesn't even back up, instead you see a metal cylinder shoot out from under her armor's right pauldron, it flying into Chaya's hand. Where, with a buzz, a crimson blade of energy shoots out from it. She then launches into a whirlwind of slashes, cutting through the blades flying through the air. However, as she cuts a straight line towards Zamasu, several fly straight at you!