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<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-b">OI. What's that?</span></span>
One of the lead Blue Rats, marching along at a fairly brisk pace, spot a weatherworne backpack sticking out of the sands and then a few seconds of curiousity later spots the man the backpack is attached to, though he is, admittedly, harder to see, half his body crystal flecks and the light bending strangely near him.
<span class="mu-s">March Interruption</span>
>We'll continue on our way to Rally Point Midnight Blue, unless adjusted.
Blue Rats report they've found a desert straggler in dire need of emergency medical assistance. Not one of the supply clerks, though. Looks like one of ours.
Wicklighter and some of the keener hands scrounge what can be used from Rally Point Shade Tree. Though most of it has been busted up by maul and wrath, some splinters can be repurposed. In a small cave, a few chests remain, untouched. Emergeny water skins, three spare swords and some tents and . . . Oh, lucky. A few gambesons. Must have been dumped here as part of a supply cache that was meant to make movement faster. The Stern Ravens certainly appreciate the extra equipment. That was a good find, lucky. They're slowly winding their way back to regulation strength.
We've got a dying man here with a lethal overdose of Wrack exposure. He's flaking away into non-existence before your eyes. Bad way to go. Anyone want to do anything, now would be time.
From some Void-damned reason, he's got a vanadian style backpack over his shoulder. Doesn't match his gear, it's not one of ours. It's got a . . . <span class="mu-i">scroll-case</span> in it, in a cipher, a multi-tool set, two carefully wrapped flashfire grenadoes and eight (EIGHT!!) sealed up survival rations stamped with a Luperni seal. That's a Pytherii Nobled House, merchant cartel group. They sell a lot of expensive equipment. Backpack must have come from one of their people...