Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 8, 3, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 1, 6, 9, 8 = 81 (12d10)
It's a nod towards neutrality. Officiants observe, and you can't pressure them because when they take of the mask it's hard to know who they are. Perhaps some cheat. There are rumours. There are always rumours.
But, on the whole, in the circuits you get what you get. Fists are remarkably honest tools. The new challenger is a quiet sort, doesn't roar, doesn't impose, just steps into the ring, rolls her shoulders a few times to warm up. Non-descript clothing, but the hint of old badge. Face covered by some kind rebreather device - popular if you go Wrackwasting. Keeps out the dust. This one looks... Old. Scratched. Definitively a mark or two from a sword or worse down the angular lines. Not standard craft. There's a faded emblem near filter insertion point, something with a shovel on? Dust and years have worn it down. Even the clearglass lenses look worn. This is handmedown equipment, cared for through years, worn as an old friend, a second-skin.
Okay, so it's a challenger who doesn't like breathing Dust and might have seen a thing or two. But still. <span class="mu-i">One</span> challenger? Pfh.Toby just took out a trio of swarth workmen and Mimic and Snickers tag-teamed a pair of Bladebrothers from Reikan! What's <span class="mu-i">one</span> skinny challenger going to do?
... Why is everyone suddenly quiet.
Did.. Did that guy in the back just quietly leave through? Does anyone feel... a slight change in the air?