Quoted By:
Keen eyes leer at you from an eggshell head set atop a hulking frame, reminding you so much of an albino ape. The human looks much stronger than you, even with his abdomen wrapped tightly in gauze and splints. The long tank of oxygen strapped to his back slowly shifts as he breathes.
[INDRA-PHI] You hear whispers... <span class="mu-i">An Artisan in station engineering and melee. Looks dangerously robust.</span>
The human takes a step forward, but doubles over and grips onto the doorway to stabilize himself.
INFORMATION: At certain thresholds of Health damage (depending on your character class) or upon taking a particularly deadly blow, characters will suffer Wounds and roll for their severity. These range from flesh wounds to bleeding to outright instant death.
Characters cannot heal more than their lowest Health threshold if they are majorly Wounded until they are given medical treatment.
Taking more than half of your Health in a single attack will carry over to the next threshold and incur a Panic Check.
>Your condition.
"Hurts to breath. Hurts to move.
But I'm still alive.
They left me for dead in here and I patched myself up. I wasn't expecting any help to arrive after I heard the ships taking off. The station was dead by then."
[A few options pop up, but you continue typing in your own questions. This prompter seems to be more direct in information gathering than the generated prompts.]
>Where there other survivors?
"Sigmund, Clive, and a few of the others went to the lower decks to destroy the gravity generator then all of the systems that keep the Gorgon's Threat together. This station would tear itself apart within a day, split open its guts to the stars. It's the only way to get rid of this... <span class="mu-i">taint.</span>
I couldn't continue myself so I told them how to do it. Made them promise to come back for me. Did-"
He chokes and breathes sharply. His hands clench and he stares intensely at you, searching for an answer.
"You are the only other life signature left on this station," you state.
[MOTH] Even though you don't quite understand the human anatomy, the look of agonizing loss on his face is universal.