>>6135070Elector Princess Regent Lucilla of House Siglinda enjoys being in a bed once more, a proper one, not made for birds, not made for travel, just made for comfort. Indeed she would seek to acquire one with bedding of Moon Cotton. However it soon falls to her to rule as regent again, as Queen Leutgard rushes off to find any war to join just so she doesn't have to be in Ordalan and deal with the upset nobles. So it falls to Lucilla to deal with those nobles who complain rampantly about the trade deal she had brokered.
>Action 1: Build the Great Church of the Blossoming Dawn at the crossroads northeast of Sturnes. A great church complex with plenty of gardens dedicated to appreciating the sun and nature. Also where we indoctrinate the Anelk slaves so they don't go worshiping the Nachetars.As Lucilla ponders how to stop the erosion of Orda Nixglau, she figures a good first step is interception. She talks with nobles and organizes the construction of a great church complex at the crossroads. Ensuring that priests are present to shepherd any Nix who is lead astray by the seductive words of the foreigners, especially the changelings. There are also gardens where you can rest your weary feet and appreciate the nature which we seek to safeguard against the fell nights. There are memorials where you learn of the people who fell to allow you to live, statues of the great heroes that inspired others to fight even against hopeless odds. It is also where some of the troublesome Anelk are indoctrinated, made to appreciate their part in a world of vibrant sun and colour, as opposed to a cold and dark Sunless Age, where the Nachetars devour them.
>Action 2: Establish Rose Garden/Farm at the ruins of Kholankorda. The ashes of the fell thicket will nourish the roses that herald the blossoming dawn.While Lucilla busies herself in the north, the returning Pyre Axes start setting up gardens in the south, upon the ashes of what once was Kholankorda, the fell thicket of the beastmen from the west. At these gardens they cultivate roses, seeking the most enchanting and beautiful, which they then burn in their rituals. Each rose burnt is a beauty lost but not forgotten. With large scale production of these roses, each Nixen can be burned wreathed in roses, but great warriors get beds of roses as their pyre.
>Military: The Queen's Army marches to Vizari, to fight against the sharkmen. Restoring access to iron.Hearing of the iron that once flowed from Vizari, and an opportunity to escape the court, the queen ventures southeast with her portion of the army. The Chariots are excited for open field warfare, the Spears can get to stand in the way of non-flying opponents, and the Pyre Axes can get into a proper melee. As a bonus, our part in the war will get us iron for cheap.