>>6023335>>6023399Though their societies may differ, both of these battling boys are valorous and virtuous protectors of the peace! Tasked by their respective realms with defending the defenceless and warding away the wicked, neither is any stranger to their own peculiar forms of community outreach! Given a good enough cause, one imagines both
>Sir Reynauld of House Numitor (Kobolt Klan Adoption)and
>Officer Mark DeLucia (Gotham City Beat Cop Quest)Could potential excel in…
<span class="mu-i">EVENT FIFTY-NINE: CHARITY FUNDRAISER</span>
…But who would raise MORE?
Meanwhile, General Karn has been eyeing up a certain someone since this competition began—nay, since the preliminaries! He (like many of his fellow kingly competitors) has had reason to watch warily the snake-in-the-shades known only as ‘Richard’. But will this be the battle of gods which Karn anticipated? Will Richard shed his disguise and reveal his final form?!
Yes, it’s a real showstopper, folks, because
>Richard (Drowned Quest Redux)and
>General Karn (Saiyan Conqueror Quest)are battling in that most manly of arenas…
(What? Not what you were envisioning when I said ‘manly’? I mean, you don’t see a lot of girls at those things, you gotta’ admit.)
Cast your votes, /qst/!