>>5860925>>5860974>>5861067>>5861150>>5861159>>5861634By the sunset, the column of mercenaries from the factory had repositioned and together with the forces already in the north, started an offensive and managed to shatter the Kommunalist defenses throughout the night. The urban defenses proved way more brittle than yesterday, the defenders, low on ammo and equipment. The Kommunalist defenders that were not encircled, gunned down or wounded fled northwards over the flats, probably hoping to reach some other settlement, leaving what little equipment they had and couldn’t carry, some leaving on foot and some leaving on various vehicles. Of course, the mercenaries and desciples fired on them, hoping to wound and kill as many as possible.
It was during the next morning that the policemen, having seen the situation and having finally prepared adequately, left Telan, hoping to sail downstream into the Mai river stream, and from there, probably down to Ucht.
Despite the condition of the city you had finally captured, the general mood was a celebratory one, fireworks were fired, drinks had and prisoners and civilians abused. Yet, unlike the mercenaries and the disciples, you didn’t celebrate. You spent most of the day in the surgical chamber, carefully tending to the body and the wounds of the black lady. After the ordeal, you went to the council chambers and under the drugs, started paying attention to this world again.
A quick glance at the map revealed the broader state of the Lanu before you returned to the conversation.
“About seventeen thousand dead and thrice as many wounded amongst the Kommunalists and civilians, only two hundred casualties amongst our disciples and almost as many amongst the mercenaries.” Jivan says proudly. “We can tend to ours.”
You nod at him.
“So, master?” Rina asks for permission, recieves it and then continues. “What do we do now? That we have control of the city? What do we do with the civilians? And what about the prisoners?”
>Execute the prisoners and enslave the civilians>Enslave them all prisoners and civilians, shock collars, prohibitive parasites, chemicals and pheromones in the water, do everything to ensure a complete control over the civilian populace>Execute the prisoners and enslave the civilians>Enslave the prisoners of war and let the rest go back to their previous conditions>Let them all go free, the former Kommunalists will see you wisdom and mercy>Write-in