>>6008576Follow the redirect to see the update.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QccFDg2O068<span class="mu-i">There appears to be an error message on the screen.</span>
Power Failure
Power Anomaly Detected: Generator Room 3B
<span class="mu-i">You clumsily tap on the screen and manage to click the HELP button. The screen opens a command prompt to what appears to be an ASCII map of the surrounding area. It's not really clear what things are labeled, but one of the rooms surely go to the generator.
Damn. You can't read this shit at all. Surely there's a way to update the graph—
Oh. It seems to be doing that on its own. Nice. This is, uh, taking a bit.</span>
You wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Until you're no longer a FUCKING MAJESTIC HORSE. You're HARRY.