>>5999535Welcome! This will be my second thread in my first attempt at running a mechanically defined game. I hope it will run smoothly and that everyone will have fun with this.
The rules are limited to what you see on the image, however if you have any additional questions, feel free to ask me or to check the previous thread!
So, first of all, everyone in here who wants to participate will need to do a few things:
>Use some method of identificationBe it a tripcode, a name, or something, I will need a way to tell who you are, as this will hopefully last for more threads and as there will hopefully be multiple players.
>Create your warlordI’ll need a name and a origin, which can for now only be a Hung, a Kurgan, a Norscan, a corrupted Kislevite or a Beastman. Later on, you will be able to get Tong and potentially even other things, but for now, you are limited in your starting options. This will determine your starting unit options.
And, of course, if you desire, for a bit of flavour, a description (if you wish, you can go pretty OC donut steal, as chaos heroes usually are).
>Pick your armyEach new player will start with 60 loot that they can purchase units with to represent their starting armies. Returning warlords are to keep their previous army.