>>5239324>>5239326>>5280693In the style of the Civilization® video game, the civilizations are rated below on 4 criteria: population, technological and magical advancement, military might, and international influence. The Silverfish civilization wins the quest, having the highest population, a factory that produces cannons and other technology, a powerful army, and influence over many tribes, although this influence diminished after the destruction of the African Americans.
Silverfish, you may write a prologue, or rewrite the events of Turn 30, if you wish.<span class="mu-s">Civilization Rating (Overall)</span>
1: The Glorious Silverfish
2: The Fine Humans
3: The Average Legacies
4: The Pathetic Zombies
5: The Wretched African Americans
6: The Forgotten Skavens
<span class="mu-s">The Most Populous Civilizations</span>
1: The Glorious Silverfish
2: The Fine humans
3: The Fine Legacies
4: The Wretched Zombies
5: The Forgotten African Americans
6: The Forgotten Skavens
<span class="mu-s">The Most Advanced Civilizations</span>
1: The Glorious Legacies
2: The Glorious Humans
3: The Fine Silverfish
4: The Average Zombies
5: The Puny African Americans
6: The Forgotten African Americans
<span class="mu-s">The Mightiest Civilizations</span>
1: The Glorious Silverfish
2: The Glorious Humans
3: The Puny Legacies
4: The Wretched Zombies
5: The Forgotten African Americans
6: The Forgotten Skavens
<span class="mu-s">The Most Influent Civilizations</span>
1: The Glorious Silverfish
2: The Fine Humans
3: The Wretched Legacies
4: The Wretched Zombies
5: The Forgotten African Americans
6: The Forgotten Slaves