>>6000222>"How goes the training, Karl?"<span class="mu-s">"It's fairly intense. We've managed to make sure we have signal's and maneuvers for *most* things that could happen. We all have really good hearing so we've figured out a form of signaling that each other can hear but no one else is likely to."</span>
Karl parts his lips a few times. You hear nothing.
<span class="mu-s">"That means '2.Left. Guns'"</span>
Karl checks the chamber of his revolver.
<span class="mu-s">"Shenandoah's got everything planned out. What order. Who carries what. Most contingencies for most impediments, I would say. He almost comes across like he's been to an academy. All things going correctly, none of us will have to even draw our weapons. That said, I'm still gonna buy some fancy bullets. Better to have and not need."</span>
Karl spins the chamber and swings it shut.
Jorn orders a milk tea.
Richter orders some tofu.
>"Mike and Highball also in town?"Karl nods taking a long draw on his cigarette, smoke billowing from his face like a snuffed jackolantern when he talks.
<span class="mu-s">"Yes, they are. Shenandoah is probably filling up his pouches at the dispensary after checking out the stables. Nepermuk said she'd heard one of the businesses was goblin-owned so she was gonna check it out."</span>
Karl taps some ash
<span class="mu-s">"Ten to one says it's the gambling den and bordello"</span>
Jorn leans back on her stool so she can see Karl properly
<span class="mu-b">"HA! Nice one!"</span>
Karl relises what he said
<span class="mu-s">"AH, dang it! It's just a turn of phrase."</span>