Rolled 7, 1, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6, 7, 10, 8, 10, 2 = 78 (12d10)
>>5722677It could be going worse, much worse. The stomping and chittering of the strange crustaceans behind her as well as the unknowable hostility of the shadows in front put a pit in her stomach, but there was no room for letting off the gas now. Keep on the move, and get away from these terrible beasts.
>>5722710<<Keep your head and stop yelling, Vilgerson, I like my hearing. We won't be able to scatter these shadows in one volley, so we're cutting through the woods around them. Follow quick and follow close, got it?>>
>Shoot flare at N43>Spotting>Initiative >Shoot 2.5cm cannon at Shadows>Shoot 3x 2cm cannons [Multiattack 2] at Shadows>Shoot 13mm machine gun [Multiattack 2] at Shadows>Shoot 8mm machine gun at ShadowsMovement
>Move SW>Move SW>Pivot S>Move S>Move S