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"Well crud, that one escaped after all." The Beastmaster grumbled as he examined the wreckage of the cage he prepared for one of his less controllable specimens. Unlike the Rhinodile, which was designed with the intention of outlasting and grinding down tough enemies, this creature focused on agility, strategic timing, and lightning-quick attacks to vital points to diable large numbers of unarmored foes. And it had just escaped into the city, where easy targets would surely present themselves en masse.
"Hopefully I'll be able to retrieve it when it simmers down after eating its fill..." the villainous esper hoped.
"I wonder what all the racket's about this time..." The Skittler said as he swung from rooftop to rooftop largely unnoticed with the help of his new ribbony appendages. Really, he didn't want to remember how much of a pain it was to be stuck with just legs. Deciding to observe the situation from a distance at first, he noticed that monster-sirens were going off before looking down at a grisly specatcle. A large creature with the build of a bear but an owlish head and beak had severed the tendons in the legs of over a dozen civilians and was taking its time eating them alive as they screamed or tried to crawl away far too slowly to actually escape.
"Hmm. This is a grim scene. Also not really my proble-" The plastic monster began to mutter to himself before he recognized one of the injured victims. He was an underemployed man who always accepted the Skittler's offers of free candy because he was could barely pay his rent and didn't want to spend as much on food.
"Tch! One of my most loyal patrons... and I could probably get the others hooked if I bailed them out..." The Skittler reluctantly admitted to himself as propelled himself toward his acquaintance on the street.
"Skittle-bro? What are you doing here?" The man whispered as the plastic monster stood above him. The owlbear also immediately took notice of the new interloper as he landed.
"Doing what I always do." The Skittler said as he dropped a small pile of candies right in front of the man, "Sharing the taste of the rainbow. Those should perk you up enough for you to get away." Squaring off against the anomalous amalgamation of mammal and bird, the Skittler then annouced to it, "But yours will put you into a food-coma."
The owlbear is kind of a dangerous matchup for Skittler because of its speed, intelligence, and sharp claws