>>5922603>>5922606>>5922610>>5922613>>5922617>>5922696>>5922703>Move to presence.You decide to approach the presence, turning from the light and gazing deep into the vast, vast black void before you. The stretch of darkness crawls into the endless mindscape of your master's head. You continue to look, deeper and deeper yet, almost sinking into the gaping maw of black as your body and head seem to stretch into the pit alongside your gaze.. until something looks back.
"Oh. It's just you." You scoff. You can't see him, nor does it even look like him.. but you can tell, even if something seems off.
>"Sharp eye." Leshy's voice echoes back from the darkness. You can see neither hide nor hair of the old man, but his eyes--swirling pits of green carving into your body, yawning vortexes into the wild. Maybe it's what he really looks like. Or maybe this is all you're allowed to see of what he really looks like."What are you doing here?" You keep your distance--though, you can't imagine a sparse few feet will do much.
>"I had to. It's nearly time for the end, after all. I was just wondering what you would make the finale." The god responds soundly. "And it was me. How exciting.""You want something, then. Hasn't my master suffered enough?" You glower at the god. "You've had your fun. I'm leaving."
>"Of course you will. Just thought I'd make you an offer, first. It's your quest. You get to make the choice." Leshy's voice is cavernous, deep, and it rumbles through your insides.>.."It's just a little invitation. To change things up. To make things different. Otherwise.. this will go exactly as you think it will." His voice is teasing, almost trembling with excitement. "I know something about you that you don't. Your own name. Do you want to guess what it really is?"