>>5215742Stan’s a big girl, plus you know her well enough to know that you won’t be having any impact on her decisions–philosophical or otherwise. Besides, you reason as you follow your nose down the hall, something tells you this ‘<span class="mu-i">interview</span> isn’t going to end well, especially when the guy in charge is asking who should be ‘<span class="mu-i">immortalized</span>’...
As the chemical scent starts to sting your nose through your mask’s filter, the MC responds to whatever Stan said with a weary sigh:
“<span class="mu-s">Indeed–what good is creation if it becomes rote? A chore? An artist without passion is no artist at all, and his works become mere products. An astute observation, my dear, if not unexpected–I suppose the way I had you painted in my mind differs greatly in comparison to the real thing.</span>”
As the voice continues to babble, you freeze in front of a door that absolutely <span class="mu-i">REEKS</span> of gas–one slightly ajar in a hallway full of closed counterparts.
“<span class="mu-s">I apologize for my assumptions. Worry not, however–the image will become MUCH clearer once this interview is concluded, I can assure you of that.</span>”
You’re just about to push the door open when a pair of <span class="mu-s">CRASHES</span> reverberate throughout the building… followed by a long, pitiful wail.
“<span class="mu-s">You said it yourself:</span>” Replies the voice over the speakers as you creep into the dark room beyond the door, “<span class="mu-s">Immortality is overrated–Why should either of these wretched parasites be memorialized in my magnum opus? No, Stanley, trash is trash. Leave him where he is, please–I’ll attend to the mess later.</span>”
Well <span class="mu-i">that’s</span> not foreboding at all. Before you can ruminate on what you missed, you spot the source of the scent in the dark room beyond: a non-Euclidean mess of pipes and valves haphazardly welded and riveted together into what appears to be some kind of machine–its countless joints and U-Bends periodically hissing with excess gas and chemicals.
You’re no expert, of course, but if you had to speculate, you’d say this was some kind of <span class="mu-r">GAS MACHINE–</span>one that, based on how the pipes extend into the ventilation ducts, is set to ‘freshen up’ the whole building. Good thing you didn’t set off that shotgun trap earlier, huh?
“<span class="mu-s">About halfway there, my dear. Do mind your step–I was never very good at cleaning up after myself.</span>”
You’re not sure what you’re more worried about: Stan accidentally tripping something and blowing you all to the Great Brewery in the Sky, or how much raw fumes she’s huffing without a mask. Either way, this thing’s gotta go.
“<span class="mu-s">Question Number 2:</span>” Purrs the voice as the opening door sends <span class="mu-i">another</span> counterweight hurtling towards the ground, “<span class="mu-s">Do you recognize these two?</span>”
<span class="mu-b">ROLL 1d100 TO STOP THE DOOR TRAP (You kinda expected another one)! I’LL TAKE THE BEST OF 3 ROLLS!</span>