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even without the possibility of worse shit the deadmen them selves ratchet up to an 11 when they are lead by a dreadlord, all they have to do is throw bodies in rivers, marshes and soft soils wait till a brash commander pushes too deep then spring the trap boom no logistics you're surrounded (the bigger the force we bring the worse this gets)
The worst part is they don't need too attack, they can just wait till you starve the onus is on you to break out, a smart dreadlord could even intentionally make one side of the surround weak, so that he can ferry the fighting force into more ambushes and traps. it's no wonder ardrene has never been taken back the more ground you take the greater the possibility you overextended and doom yourself
Reflecting on the map
perhaps taking the coasts first would be a good Idea sea based logistics seem a lot safer then the alternative and our langish friend could help with that. inb4 black sails
"If" we were to get norsikans on side with their longships we could also use that large river in south ardrene for logi and deep strike potential if we find out where the dread lords congregate
The northern river also seems like a good place to fortify and dig in would make a good first goal of the campaign a river to your front mountains on your left even if adam forbid the campaign is unsuccessful turning this point into romaines version of the torwatcher gates could forever shield our people from the predation of the deadmen