>>5376866“Francine, that’s fine…take Escher’s Gear and stash them at the lair while I deal with all this.” You say, handing her the Relic. “If you could label them before-“
“Oh, I’ll keep this well away from any of our other biomass, don’t fret.” The good doctor assures you, and with that you’re free to focus solely on the expectant Daughter that’s calmly leveled a hollow glare at your swarmling scout.
"I'd rather not fight here, either. That said, you did open with an artillery barrage, so I think I can be excused for assuming we already were fighting.” You explain, catching the Armorer give her cannoneer companion a pointed glance, though the seer remains as stoic as ever. “I don't want to tell you how to run your ship, but wide-spread devastation invites certain conclusions."
“Understandable.” She replies, as polite as she is unapologetic.
"Let's start over, then. Hi, I'm Shu.” You continue, giving the group a little bow by way of you envoy’s tilted carapace. “You may have heard of me. Who might you be?"
“…Hello, Shu. And yes, everyone who’s anyone has head of the Defiant. I’m Iris.” The seer replies, matching your bow in kind as she rises to her feet, though she still hovers a few inches off the top of the carriage thanks to her crystalline sphere. She gestures to the woman beside her, then to the pair of long-range specialists behind her. “Our resident Skintalker, Sauti. The killjoy behind me is Breech (the Armorer gives you a prim salute, at that) and the jumpy one’s Brig.”
“Are you all headed straight for the Cord, if do you have some other goals in No-Man’s Land?” You ask through your swarmling, while you real body gestures for your team to continue the westward advance…minus the traps, of course.
“What other options are there in this place?” Iris gestures at the rancid plains of corrupted meat that stretch as far as her eyes can see. “Not like we can just have a little break, can we?”
“I suppose not.” You concede, keeping the existence of zones of relative safety to yourself, at least for now. “Would it be too bold of me to ask what you four hope to make of the world?”
“Your only boldness is assuming we can win. All we can do is try, and hope.” Iris answers with a sigh and smile before gesturing at the carriage below. “And it’s the ten of us, actually. Our Captain’s asleep right now, you see. Building up her strength for the final push. What about the nine of you?”
Nine…is that a threat, or a bizarre show of good faith? She’s rather cagey about her and her team’s motivations, as well. You’re uncertain how much you should say, though the fact that you’re even having this conversation is a testament to some level of civility…
…even in the Cord’s looming shadow.
>>Part ways, and continue west.>>Ask Iris something else.>>Attempt to negotiate, for travel or advantage (Write-In).>>Write-inYOU ARE IN CONTROL