Quoted By:
You are Charlotte Fawkins, dashing heroine, detective, adventuress, heiress, sorceress, etcetera. Three years ago, you drowned yourself in a quest to find a long-lost family heirloom; nowadays, you're just nobly c̶a̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ solving problems with the help of trusty retainer Gil and un-trusty mind-snake Richard. Inexplicably, many people tend to "dislike" you, though you've never done anything wrong in your life.
Right now, you are hyping yourself up to obtain adulation and free drinks at local (and only) dive the Better Than Nothing.
It's getting worse the longer you stand here in the middle of the road, staring at the Nothing stained all purplish in the early-evening light: the entire town must be inside it, judging from the laughter shrieking from inside. This bodes ill. Never before have you sensed such a— a pernicious <span class="mu-i">presence</span> exuding from these walls— it's making your chest squeeze from the force of it, and your palms prick with sweat. Or perhaps it's merely making you imagine your palms pricking with sweat, which only goes to show its evil grasp.
For it <span class="mu-i">is</span> evil. Certainly. There is an evil presence emanating from the Better than Nothing, which is what is at present stopping you from loudly and boldly announcing your arrival and status as Beloved Heroine / Monster Slayer. Your finely tuned senses— your magyckal senses, your <span class="mu-i">third eye,</span> really, is highly sensitive to such evil presences. But what could be causing it now, when you have never sensed such a thing before? Has the gooplicate-AKA-Dierdre hidden further corpses under the floorboards and/or roof? Has the rumored <span class="mu-i">cult</span> of something-or-other hidden corpses here? Or marked the walls with their wicked signs? This seems highly plausible. Even probable. You'll have to tell Jacques to watch out for wicked signs posthaste.
Hmm. Perhaps you should burst in through the doors to inform him (and the entire town) about the danger, and then it makes sense for you to burst in, and everybody will thank you for the warning and clap you on the back and buy you drinks and gift you family jewelry and (though you are hoping this won't happen) potentially a fair maiden will offer you her hand in marriage, because this is what often seems to happen after saving towns and so on. You're uncertain how this would work, with you firstly also being a fair maiden, and with secondly all the women in the town being old or ugly or whores or all three. Hopefully you'll be drunk before anything difficult happens. Your chest has not stopped squeezing.
"It's perfectly natural to be anxious in these circumstances, Charlie." Richard has sat himself down on the stoop. (Maybe <span class="mu-i">he's</span> the evil presence.)
"I'm not <span class="mu-i">anxious,</span>" you say. "Far to the contrary! I am emboldened with— with— stop looking at me like that." He definitely is the evil presence. He's looking at you over the top of his sunglasses. "I'm emboldened."