> TURN 3For next turn you have 4 action as a make up for the christmas break. Happy new Year to you.
>>5867576A Katnip plantation is established. large amounts of the substance are farmed and soon a trade route south emerges. The addiction becomes severe. Parents sell their own children, nobles sell their whole wealth and enichs in the Godqueens court smuggle out prizeless artiffacts just to get their hand on the drug.
Your nation goes through a period of unprecedented prosperity as your southern neighbour is robbed dry of centuries worth of accumulated worth in mere decades. Artiffacts which would be destroyed or msuggled out in case of war are obtained easily. The Saccrophagi with mummy of ancient pharaohs, Maps of the local area and myths of a sister-nation to the west, ancient magic tablets which might need deciphering, exotic spices and piles and piles of gold.
Due to the influx of slaves and wealth your expanssion turns out unusually large. A center of manufacture emerges in the west of your nation.
The cult seems to have little intention of spreading, they come when invited, but the Black Wind of Doom Riders (long name), hunt down any upstart slave thinking the new god a path of freedom or any wannabe noble wishing to see if they can get magic powers from it. The flame though starts influencing nature. mainly flowers. All flowers are changed into buds of Chromatic flame instead. (btw. the spell you made last time worked, it works. The god came due to a concentrated accumulation of insanity)
>>5868230>>5868259Among the mercenaries hid a famed criminal and great fighter. As the war in the wall stagnates he soon rises in prominence, coming to be among the leaders in the war… he may be a vile murderer, but that may be what we may just need in this war.
The refugees keep coming in for the Peasant Republic in the west is once more at war. Albeit due to cultural differences some conflicts emerge as the Crabmen begin to congregate in isolated Gheottos living separately from the human populace.
While some development can be done now it merely helps you understand how the enemy uses the technology. First a search of your nation for coal and suphur deposits takes place and luck be have it both are found easily! (you may make firearms with 1 extra action investment, keep in mind your nation is relatively insatiable as it is and it’ll likely cause a civil war as firearm intrduction is a destabilising factor)