>>5209721>>5209586>>5209670>PROBE THE MINDS OF THE SPIRAL AGENTS... SUCCESSWandering through the town, it finally sinks in that everything within it is yours. As you approach the twitching Spiral agents, you can hear a voice coming through the device on one of their chests. All it takes is a thought for the agent to grab the device and say <span class="mu-r">"S-sorry Command, the targets have been neutralized."</span> and comes the reply <span class="mu-b">"Copy that Cobra-1, clean up whatevers left over and report back to base for a debrief."</span> With that situation taken care of for now, you lay down next to the agents, secure in the knowledge that they are totally unable to harm you. Quickly issuing a psychic command to everyone within the town to gather up everything of value and to prepare to move.
Centering yourself, you feel your mind leave your body as you enter the mind of another. Inside, you find it's mind to be neatly organized, consisting of what appears to be a giant military base with rows upon rows of tents stretching off into the distance. Entering one of the tents, you see a large wooden table covered in maps and documents. One of the documents has a picture of you, another of Sophia, and another of something that resembles you very closely. Except it has more teeth, more claws, and more densely packed muscle. Leafing through the other Thing's files, you learn that it is known as Subject 147-B, with the nickname "The Starving"...
Yes, this has to be the one who has been calling to you all this time. As you read through it's file, you learn that it is being kept in some place called Nevada, deep within the desert. Unfortunately, most of the specifics of the creature and it's whereabouts are crossed out, and so you give up trying to learn more about your brother and decide to look into the Spiral itself. Luckily, this agents knowledge of his organization is extensive, and you learn that Spiral agents are embedded in every major city within the state, and also that they are growing more desperate in their hunt for you. You also learn the name of their leader, a Thing known as "The High Tower". Details on it are scarce however, and you learn very little about it other than the fact that it is quite old, and apparently has the ear of every major world leader. Interesting...