>>5491267Oh hey you were right! This is a WAY easier class.
A fat man balding man sits on a chair next to the podium, not really bothering to hide his drinking, or bothering to stand up.
"Yup, hello everyone, my name... my name is Mister Barthomelow Berry and you can call me Mr Berry, or Barry Berry, whatever." He yawns. "This isn't a name class, this is... pokemon theory. And my theory is to teach you how to bond with your pokemon and fight and all that..." His eyes start to lower. "And our first lesson is in, self study..." He falls asleep!
This is great! You can do whatever you want! Well except start a riot, try to break out, murder, starting a pokemon battle, leaving the class room...
BUT! You can do nothing! That's really cool!
>Actually wait you have a shadow pokemon you actually need pokemon theorizing, wake Barry up for a question>Play with Gremlin>Play with Mimikyu>Hey! Its that blackbelt that Nimrah clowned on, what's he doing here>One of the grub club members is in this class... actually quite a few, approach them, at least to get some snacks>Spend the time making dolls/making lockpicks