>>5835081>>5835261>>5835284>>5835683>>5835809>>5836109Gotta keep living on the edge, don't we?
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">Let's take one last leap, the lance growing and blazing with energy as you stab all 3 of the remaining guys in one swipe, and the discharge blows them up, disintegrating and ripping them in a big explosion of gore... And with that, Dark Side mode is over.</span></span>
So... Once you come back to normal, all you can see around you is blood and disembodied organs and body parts... It stinks. But you did that.
They're all gone... Except for one.
You know, <span class="mu-i">the important one?</span>.
(If he escapes you'll fail the mission and get no cash, dumbass!)
He's already turning that truck around... Yeah, how're we stopping 'em? You can't pop the wheels, you can't hop on the truck or run as fast as it moves, tired as you are.
So what the hell now?
>Write-in only... But roll too, this time. I'm out of ideas.