>>6160635>>6160635Finally, I'm going over the logs and feeds and data. Multitasking a lot here. Long night, right? Well, not longer than yours.
I've got some commentary on three salient facts which I think you should know.
Comparing datasamples from Agent Fold, the apartment safehouse, our biometrics on Marcier Despango and other vitals with socio-economic metrics, I can confirm that Dr. Despango was not married, had no lovers and was, to a fault, vehemently isolationalist. I am informing you of this because it's saliently relevant for the . . . her . . . It? Subject FETCH. I can't be certain because the signal can't handle the scale of the upload, but even so, some sampling makes it clear: A significant chunk of her genetic material is related to what we have one file for Dr. Despango's biometrics. The other 87% I'd say 'God only knows' but I sincerely doubt God had anything to do with it, Agents. The man had no wife, but I'd make the claim you're being acquanted with his... daughter.
Agent XXX-XXX had a significant type BELPHAGOR ARmask. His metrics all deadened around you That kind of counter-intruder remote active feedback is high spec. So that means corporate spook. I can tell you with a little bit of digging that I'm 79% upper confidence band certain we're dealing with Mr. Nakamura, of Singularity Cloud Grey Ops Counter-Intelligence and Consolidated High Impact Market Penetration. CHIMP Ops is, well, come on Agents. They're not doing soft sales techniques in that department. You know what they do. I'm informing you because Mr. Nakamura's record is a neutron star of *problems*, the few bits we can find. Berlin? Greywash Moscow? The Finland Sole Situation? Point is, heavy hitter. And he's not operating alone. He definitively has backup and ressources. But he's still using Red Crane operatives and mercenaries, and I've got nothing on Singualarity Cloud corporate nets or contacts.
That leads us to the third and most salient fact:
I don't think this is a fully sanctioned operation. We're caught up in some internal scuffle, and I'm going to venture a guess that this FEYWILD research is in the middle of it. I'll see what I can do with the files Monarch uncovered while you make it out of there. Then we'll take it from there, okay?
No, err, stress, but I get the feeling we're not about to have it quiet for a while.
In monitoring your feeds, perhaps you'd care to elaborate why you...
>Field Deployment End>Side Objectives Hit!>Well Done Agents, You Earned A Performance Bonus>Upgrade a Secret! >You can actually acquire new secrets too, just bumping them up from 0. Check the starting list, or offer your own - TS will likely adjust them to be system appropriate, eg, we don't have 'Advanced Clown Makeup' but we do have 'Impersonation', which covers. >Ink Survived!>She mentors in: Crash Synchronicity or Improvisational Improbabilities>... uhhh