>>5899234Well, as it turns out: no! Whatever their invasion of your privacy might have entailed, it seems either Devi or Nym has somehow assessed your physical measurements. The bundled package beside your proffered breakfast is none other than a new outfit—moon-manufactured by eladrin artisans to fit a being as intangible and amorphous as a fairy-spirit in ANY shape or form you might assume!
‘It is our fondest hope that this is to your liking, honoured guest Ezreal Mious,’ says the accompanying note, in perfect (if somewhat antiquated and difficulty-to-parse) elven script.
“It’s Van Houtzman, actually,” you huff, to yourself of course, and unfold the bundle. As you gaze upon it with wide and wondering eyes and feel the impossibly-fine material, you have to admit, it’s VERY much to your liking. It is…
>A liquid-silver jumpsuit like you have seen some of the eladrin workers wearing, with a handy belt and gloves>A loose-fitting, plain white tunic with light detailing of floral and avian patterns around the sleeves and collar, and a matching set of slate-grey, striped trousers>A wizard’s robe and undershirt, but incredibly elegant: the shirt is purest white, the hooded cape flowing black speckled with stars, and with the outline of a new moon upon the back>Write-inYou quickly don the garb and, by the GODS, it feels better than it looks. You have to hold back a squeal of delight, because… Well, squealing isn’t very manly. Does it matter? You suppose in spaces beyond the material plane, nobody who knows you can HEAR you squeal… But even so. You have SOME machismo to maintain! You’re the Champion of Dappulyet or whatever, after all. You fought a gods-damned DIRE WEREWOLF!
(You squeal into your pillow, just a little)
You extract your face from your pillow when you hear a sound. Your fairy-bird friend has returned, as you expected, and is tapping its tiny pencil-lead beak upon the window until you let it in.
“Right, a name,” you say, when it is inside and the window shut. “How about…”
>Flappy>Pixie>The Throngler>Veloz[No write-ins]