>>6119197Back again as Craig, you whisper your very straightforward idea to Millie, who smiles conspiratorially and relays said idea to Clyde, who nods. Millie then points to Clyde's back, while she sits on his shoulder.
"Hold on tight, Craig..."
You grip Clyde's jacket hard. Then, from two or three stories high, Clyde leaps straight down, literally bypassing the detection runes and knocking out the magic user responsible for them as he lands. From behind, Nemo followed suit, landing softly in contrast to Clyde's meteoric landing.
Of course, even without the detection runes, the other three hooded figures had definitely noticed your arrival.
"Grr, intruders! I'll zap them in a jiffy..."
One tries amassing mana into their hands, an attempt at offensive magic, perhaps?
"Wait, look! They have kids! Aim to capture!"
The other one spotted you and Millie, it seems.
"Careful where you point that thing! With Greg down, the mana balance's offset!"
The third cultist seem fearful of a mana conflagration - or the risk of wild magic reactions. How would your team handle this?
Somewhere not far above, you are Rosa again.
"We got no time! Quick, hide in there!"
You yell, pointing to the door they were guarding.
"With the kids? Good idea! C'mon Tom, get the key!"
The boogieman is thoroughly deceived, as the human hurriedly brings out a key ring from his inventory. To Tom's credit, he didn't fumble the keys and quickly opened the door.
Quickly, the three- well, actually four of you rush in, and Tom quickly shuts the door and return the keychain into his inventory. Inside, you see some sort of detaining chamber, separated by glass. Inside are two clown kids, obviously kidnapped by the looks of it.
"There, that mime won't get in now!"
Tom exclaims, a hint of triumph in his voice that you're about to crush.
"I won't be that sure, why don't we set up an ambush for him?"
Your suggestion is readily taken by the Tmavy Les.
"Okay, that sure sounds smart!"
"Right, Tom, take the right, and you... er..."
"Vadim, ma'am!"
"Vadim, you take the left. He was chasing me, so I'll take the center, better distraction that way."
Tom nods, and the two cultists take their position - not knowing that the clown they were hoping to ambush is already in the same room with them. They're too focused on the door to realize anything else...
>CHOOSE ONE FOR MILLIE'S TEAM>□ Have Craig use his regular goblin magic on the cultists>□ Have Craig use one of his special magic, Sledgehammer, on the cultists>□ Have Clyde jump into melee, he's bulletproof>□ Have Clyde grab a cultist to toss them onto another cultist>□ See how Millie handles combat situations>□ See how Nemo fights>□ Other (fill in)>CHOOSE ONE FOR ROSA'S TEAM>□ Time to knock both cultists out with the clown>□ Have the clown handle the cultists while you figure out how to get the kids out>□ Wait until Valencio punches the door down from outside>□ Other (fill in)