Turn 1 begins!
New Keeperz are still encouraged to join!
>>6129279 >>6129390 >>6129460Let me know if you need help with locating your Komplex or anything else.
>All Keeperz, roll 2d10 and choose 1 Territorial Action, 1 Auxiliary Action, and any Free Actions! Don't forget to check your Trait! >>6129234 Here are descriptions of the 3 non-Egg items that are possible to gain from a Trait:
>Backup DeviceAdd a +1 to any Keeper's roll at any time. Each Keeper can only use one each turn, but Keeperz can band together to stack their uses on the same turn. Must declare which action is being modified.
>Koké BallAllows for the capture of a single Klone Specimen upon a successful attack on a rival Keeper's territory. Multiple can be used at once. Only one Klone Specimen can be targeted per turn.
>Teleport DiskYou may claim or attack a visible territory up to 5 hexes away. One turn only.