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Your raised blade slams down into the center of his chest, piercing the immortal flesh. You can't kill <span class="mu-i">him</span>, but his clan will trouble you no longer. You pour your newly refined cosmic chi into the weapon and into Cho, the burning hot energy causes his body to light up like a forge flame.
All over Zhonggou, in the ale houses, palaces, and cultivation sects for beginners and experts alike; random men and women suddenly stop in place. They clutch their chest, and within a second, their bodies are on fire. They begin to burn, scream out, and are reduced to ash. Hundreds of those of the tainted Han clan and bloodline are eradicated in a moment. All of them... except their immortal patriarch.
Cho Han lies broken before you, his body halfway melted into ash from your burning attack. But he still isn't dead. Even if you scattered his ashes to the four winds, he would find a way to return eventually. But with no clan to support him, he'd be a lose, broken immortal with no ties and no magic- and soon, no body.
<span class="mu-b">"Begone!"</span> You scream, banishing Cho Han's broken form to the darkest cave of the underworld. Good luck crawling out of there anytime soon, bastard.
With that completed, you shield your newfound cosmic abode once again with wards and defenses, and this time, a better obscuring mist to block those who may spy on you. You invite the dragon girl from below in the heavens; who comes to live within your beautiful moonlight palace. You can finally cultivate in peace!