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My insomnia has returned, so please enjoy this free update! This vote will close at 8pm EST tonight
The wind returns almost as soon as you return your journey – steady gusts of westerly-to-northwesterly origin that drive your galley’s cutting prow through the rolling seas at excellent pace. The galleys of the diplomatic party are certainly heavier, holds full of Timae and slaves, but the extra weight doesn’t seem to slow the ships meaningfully. Andocides, despite decades of experience at sea, displays a boy’s delight as he expresses gratitude for Boreas and Zephyros’ contributions to your travel:
“When two of the Anemoi lash themselves to your chariot, don’t question it, Nikandros! Sit back and relax!” He beams, yellowed teeth on full display.
You cannot deny the wisdom in his words – and sailing is more pleasant after a successful battle, you note. Even the rescued slaves beneath the hold begin to relax as they gain a measure of their new wardens. The Salaminians continue to cage them out of necessity, but a steady delivery of pork, bread and water begins to convince these unfortunates that they have escaped danger, and perhaps have a chance at a better life. The sailors continue to row their oars, but with the wind filling the sails, it’s a half-effort on their part – they hardly even sweat at they row.
As for Marsaëres and Kyrtios – these men are bound thoroughly, gagged and chained at opposite ends of the galley’s hold, Kyrtios underneath the bow, and Marsaëres at the stern end. Ajax deemed it best to keep them very far apart, and his logic strikes you as sound.
Chatting further with Andocides, you learn that Delos will be reached by evening – Ajax had previously planned to shelter overnight on the far side of Syros, but after his conference with the Kings of Sparta and Ithaka, they decided to press on. Odysseus, particularly, had spoken in favor for more speed. For yourself, you are unburdened by responsibility, once you finish with the maintenance and upkeep of your panoplia and arms. After the events of the battle, you find your heart divided in terms of what to do before your arrival in Delos –
>what do, /qst/? Nikon has time for two conversations before they reach Delos, home of King Anios and birthplace of the god Apollo. Please note that Nikon can select TWO of these options. This is a short time-period here so don’t expect any trait unlocks based on this vote alone– reputational gains/losses only. One word of warning, as Nikandros builds stronger relationships with these demigods – the connections run BOTH ways, as friends may influence each other…